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Free Shipping on orders over $150

Delivery Options

We offer the following main shipping options:

Free Canada Post Expedited Shipping: Available for online orders and team portal orders over $150 (before tax). Excludes custom team orders and deck equipment.

Canada Post Expedited: Delivery typically takes 5-7 business days, with shipping cost ranging from $15 to $20. Exact shipping costs will be calculated during checkout.

Canada Post Express: Delivery usually takes 1-2 business days, with shipping cost ranging from $23 to $25. Exact shipping costs will be calculated during checkout.

Free Store Pickup: The estimated time for store pickup varies by location. We provide an approximate timeframe when you select this option. Please note that store transfers are shipped once a week.

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of the package and the delivery distance. Our warehouse, located in Burlington, Ontario, usually processes orders within 1 business day. We are closed on weekends, so orders placed during that time will be processed on the next business day.

If you prefer a different courier or need a faster shipping option, please contact us. For time-sensitive orders, we recommend reaching out to us before placing your order.

Custom Team Portal orders typically require 4-6 weeks for processing before they are fulfilled. Shipping and delivery options are determined by your club. The club may choose to distribute the orders directly, or allow members to have their items shipped to their own addresses or opt for store pickup. Detailed instructions will be provided in advance and can be found on your Team Portal page.

Please note that if you add any items not included in the Custom Team Portal to your order, additional shipping fees may apply due to the different processing times.

Unfortunately, we do not offer this service online as we only operate within Canada. However, if you need a small item, please contact us by email, and we can provide you with a quote.

Bulk orders are not eligible for free shipping on orders over $150. Due to the varying sizes and dimensions of our products, we do not have a specific quantity that defines a bulk order. If we identify a web order as bulk, we will contact you directly.

If you are placing a team order for your club, please coordinate with your sales representative to ensure proper handling and shipping arrangements.

Team orders must be placed by phone with one of our sales representatives. Shipping costs will be calculated when the order is ready to ship and will be charged to your team account. We also offer free pickup from our warehouse, office, or store locations.

Resale orders are exclusively available to Aquatic Centers, Facilities, Municipalities, Recreational Centers, and Cities. Stock for resale is replenished every 2 weeks. Customers can choose to either backorder items or wait until all items are available. Please note that backordered items will incur separate shipping fees for each shipment. Shipping costs are calculated when items are ready to ship, based on the weight of the package and the delivery distance.

Shipping costs are quoted at the time of ordering deck equipment. Large deck equipment is generally shipped on skids, so we prefer to ship directly to the facility rather than a residential address. We typically do not stock deck equipment, as most items are shipped from the US. In such cases, store or warehouse pickups may still incur shipping fees. For more information, please contact your sales representative.

If we do not carry an item you're looking for and you wish to place a special order, we can provide you with details on stock availability, estimated arrival time, and shipping costs. Please note that additional shipping fees may apply if you need the special order to arrive sooner than our regular stock transfer from the vendor. For more information, please contact us.
