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National Truth & Reconciliation Orange Swim Cap Day



Dear TAS families,

September 30th marks the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for Canada. Creating a federal day of remembrance was one of the 94 calls to action by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission back in 2015. The day is set aside in honour of all the children who survived residential schools, as well as to recognize those who did not return. This year we are inviting you to participate in a nation-wide Orange Cap campaign to raise funds and awareness for National Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Along with wearing your orange cap, we encourage you to share the attached educational document with your team as well as participate in a walk together on September 30. It is important to recognize that while raising funds is a step, we must continue to focus on building relationships, taking action and educating ourselves as part of the journey to Reconciliation.

The opportunity for swimmers to get involved and support Reconciliation - Purchase orange swim caps through Team Aquatic Supplies

Latex $5.00/cap
Silicone $12.00/cap

100% of the proceeds will be given to the Indigenous sporting community We will wear our orange swim caps to commemorate the residential school experience and to honour those affected and those who continue to be affected by the genocidal residential school system. How to purchase orange caps


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the land that our training pools reside on as the traditional territory of the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island. To learn more about your traditional territory, visit For guidance and information on land acknowledgements, visit your local university website.

What Were Residential Schools?

Indian residential schools operated in Canada between the 1870s and the 1996, the last standing school was located in Port Alberni, BC.  Children between the ages of 4-16 attended Indian residential school. These schools were mandatory. 90 to 100% suffered severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. There was a 40 – 60% mortality rate in Indian residential schools.

As of August 2022, 2207 graves of unmarked children have been uncovered Watch the following video where Chief Robert Joseph shares his experience as a residential school survivor and the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada. 

“I want to get rid of the Indian problem.....Our objective is to continue until there is not an Indian that has not been absorbed into the body politic, and there is no Indian question, and no Indian Department…”
 - Duncan Campbell Scott – Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs 1920

What is Orange Shirt Day?

“The annual Orange Shirt Day on September 30th opens the door to global conversation on all aspects of Residential Schools. It is an opportunity to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind. A discussion all Canadians can tune into and create bridges with each other for reconciliation. A day for survivors to be reaffirmed that they matter, and so do those that have been affected. Every Child Matters, even if they are an adult, from now on. ”1

1 Source - Picture, Every Child Matters Artist: Andy Everson,


Additional Resources

1. Read about the Original Orange Shirt: Phyllis’ Story in her own words,

2. Here you can find Resource booklets for various age groups,

3. Learn about the North American Indigenous Games that take place in Canada, swimming is one of the sports at the competition!

4. Learn about the Indigenous Sport and Wellness organization (Ontario)

5. Read about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action.

6. Article - One quarter of Canada’s Indian Residential Schools have grave searches underway,

7. Here is a video discussing Residential Schools and Intergenerational Trauma, 8. To learn more about traditional territory, visit 9. Land acknowledgements,
